Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Red Letter Day!!

O.k. as some of you may know, I've been M.I.A. (missing in action) lately. Well she's why. We've been going crazy here with her college ap, and essays and letters of recommendations, and sending scores, and transcripts, etc., etc., etc., well..... you get the idea.
She's really smart and researched the statistics on early application acceptance in comparison with regular application acceptance and decided "early application" was definitely the way to go. Well, she did it, we did it, we managed to get everything there, on time, with only a few hiccups along the way. Yeah.
Then the wait..................
it felt like forever.
I got sick to my stomach every time I had to get the mail, I mean who wants to be the one to tell their child that they can't go to the school of their dreams right?!!
So, today was the day we were supposed to know by.
I'm just sitting in the car waiting to pick up my two youngest from school and my screaming, hysterical, out of breath girl calls me up and says......
(oh yeah, she got into the Tisch School of NYU)
(She's going to be a screenplay writer, How fun right?!!)
She had been checking her email all day at school and had just found out. I didn't believe her, I was in shock, I made her read me the email just to make sure she read it right. She had :-)
I am so proud of her.
(sad that she's going to leave too)


Carla said...

Wow! Congratulations to your daughter!

Jingle said...

Congratulations to your daughter!

Kai said...

The mommy in me is jumping up & down for BOTH of you! The former teacher in me is hollering, "WAY TO GO!" And the editor in me is wondering (hoping) someday our jobs may bring us together! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! What an amazingly great Christmas gift!

Maija said...

Congrats to all of you!! She gets to spread her wings!
Merry Christmas!

Elyse said...

wow! how awesome and now you can have many (shopping) trips in NYC!

warmest wishes for continued merriment, good health and of course, treats!
