Saturday, February 4, 2012

It' finally time for a change.
(Picture found here:
I've been thinking about this for awhile now.
Most of you know how it is. You are so excited to start your first blog and then.....
a little while goes by and your title doesn't really suit you anymore.
This isn't a shop blog, it's supposed to be a personal journal of my art and my journey in my search for what I want to be when I "grow up".
Well..... I'm not sure it can be with this title.
I'm starting a new blog. I hope that if you've hung around as one of my cherished "followers" that you will follow me over to my new home.
I am hoping that the move will help me find clarity in my blogging and help me on my new quest or journey, to find out where I am headed.
If you are interested in coming on my journey with me, my new blog is I think it's much more fitting.

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